Led by experienced female investors with deep expertise and networks within the venture ecosystem, Women Collective democratises access to the highest returning asset classes whilst creating big impact.

We are democratising access to the highest performing asset classes, VC, PE and Real Estate with investment tickets from $5,000. We give deal preference to female investors and thereby encourage more female participation in the investment ecosystem. Our conviction is our characteristics as women are the optimal breeding ground for High Return Investments. High EQ, Big Social Connectivity, Copious Empathy, Collaborative, Disciplined yet Flexible & a natural affinity to Give and Create Impact in Our World. To supercharge this mission and create wealth among women we provide access to deals at lower-than-market valuations and assist in having more women on the board, cap table increasing diversity and yield for all.

Investments in Women Account for Less than 1% of Global Venture Capital. This glaring disparity & exclusionary trend not only perpetuates gender inequalities but also hampers socioeconomic progress and innovation. According to research by Boston Consulting Group, for every dollar invested in startups founded by women, the return was 78 cents, while for male-founded startups, it was only 31 cents. By investing in female entrepreneurs, investors can increase the likelihood of higher returns on their investment.

  • Membership is by referral and through an existing member and approval.

    Apply Now

  • Seed investors aim for a 100x return. Remember, however, the VC power law dictates that a handful of investments typically drive the bulk of returns. We present you with investments in a wider range of asset classes and opportunities that may also yield dividend coupons so you may get cash monthly back on your investment in addition to a lump sum at the end.

    Beyond the financial returns, think of being a member like an MBA that returns you financially and in-kind through the learning, access and investment training.

    Your participation is also creating the most significant impact around the world, helping to reverse the dire statistics around women getting funded.

  • If you’re a company that’s looking for funding get in touch now via our form.

    We consider equity, venture debt and also new structures and models.

    Remember to supercharge our mission and create wealth amongst women we require lower-than-market valuations. We return this to you through the copious support mechanisms, subsidized access to teams and access to to the deepest connectivity in client, talent and further fundraising.

  • Do you want to be featured as a key partner, sponsor and/or facilitator of the women collective? Speak to our partnerships teams to get involved now.

Join Women Collective in making this change a reality - together. Get in touch